Where there’s a quilt on the bed – you’re home.
Princess YellowBelly Designs
Our Story
From incredible works of art on display at the county fair, to Grandma’s hand-pieced Dresden plate that’s so worn you don’t dare touch it, quilts always bring joy, comfort, happiness and an unspoken sense of security.
Here at Princess YellowBelly Designs we make quilts that’ll turn any empty space into an immediate homecoming.
We’re here to help you make the next empty space into the perfect home.
The Muse, the Princess, the Legend

Princess YellowBelly is a creative muse, a free-spirited artist dealing in the medium of brightly colored fabrics and glorious thread. From her magical world of eternal inspiration and design genius she helps us turn out quilts that combine the best of old-world tradition and new-world passion.
Meet the Girls Behind the Magic
Of course, every muse has an artist that helps transform thought into reality. Or, in this case, three friends who not only create the art, but this website so that the quilted fabric art is available to you.
First and foremost, there’s:

Karyl (aka Princess YellowBelly)
“Hi all! Pleased to meet you. I’m Princess YellowBelly’s more practical alter-ego, not to mention the:
- Original pattern designer
- Straight sewing seamstress
- Seam ripping mistake fixer
- Straight talking how to do it faster and easier instructor
- Fun timing creative director
- Quilting artist
So, please allow me to welcome you to the wonderful world of quilts, wall hangings, table toppers, and more!
I first met Princess Yellow Belly when I was teaching second grade in a small Alberta school.
While the rest of the teachers were worried about grades and homework, I was dealing with the free-willed spirit of a creative muse who liked to come dancing into class while everyone was gone and leave messages on the blackboard, yellow cake (which she baked in my yellow cake pan), and lemon drops.
She stuck with me for my whole teaching career, and I guess she ended up following me when I married an Arizona rancher and started homeschooling my own three rug rats.
But when I started making quilts as a home ec project Princess YellowBelly truly blossomed.
I thought that once I’d made a quilt for every member of my family – and two for each of my kids – that the well would run dry.
Somehow, though, my home ec project turned into a lifestyle, and I was addicted.

Suzanna (Doer of Business & Marketing stuff)
Hi! I’m Karyl’s oldest daughter, and I’m so happy to have you here on “my” website. You won’t see me as much, but I’m always here, working behind the scenes to but I sincerely hope you love every minute you’re here, since I’m the one who put this whole crazy place together, and keeps it up-to-date with new:
- Content
- Graphics
- Newsletter stuff
- Free giveaways
- Outreach emails
- Unseen (but apparently necessary) software updates
I also help to come up with quilting designs and new ideas, decide what goes where in terms of seasons, and I manage the shop.
Phew! While I go take a nap, enjoy Princess YellowBelly Designs.

Leiajoy (making everything look good)
Hi everyone! It’s a great day for you to be here on Princess YellowBelly Designs, because I’m in charge of making sure everything that there’s to look at looks real good. Every day I work on producing pictures and videos that show how our artisan quilts can turn any house, apartment, or closet-bedroom into a home.
Many of my earliest and happiest memories have quilts in them.
From the handmade lily quilt on Suzanna’s bed when she used to tell me and our brother stories, to the brown and gold in the quilt on Mama’s bed when I’d come to snuggle with her. There were always quilts:
- Quilts on the beds
- Quilts on the table
- Half-finished quilts dumping out of Mama’s fabric cupboard,
- Here a quilt, there a quilt, E-I-E-I-O
So every day that I get to help the quilts look better for you – show how they make homes glow and memories come alive – is a good day for me. While you enjoy the rest of Princess YellowBelly, I hope you make a new good memory every time you see a picture, or a video, or a graphic of our very special quilts.
Where there’s a quilt on the bed
You’re home