Bring-A-Friend – Join Today to Become a Part of Our New Referral Program & Earn Major Discounts on all of Our Great Quilting Products!

fairy boy and girl spinning spiderweb heart with button caption "Bring-A-Friend"
Princess YellowBelly Designs logo

Enjoyment. Magic. Wonderment. Pretty colors. Stunning scenes. Original designs. Easier ways to get even more amazing results.

That’s what we strive to bring you here at Princess YellowBelly Designs – and we hope that you’ve been enjoying our content as much as we have. If so, we’d like to invite you to participate in a brand new – and very exciting – custom program.

Princess YellowBelly Designs is starting on an exciting new stage of our journey to seek out new forms of quilted fabric art. We’re adding a store to our site, creating more and more patterns so that our wonderful readers can recreate our original designs, and we’ve just received our first original printed panels and will soon be offering these stunning panels for your pleasure!

And with all of that going on, we want to bring more and more quilting and fabric art geniuses into our artistic family. So we would like – we would love – to invite you to please become a part of our growing community!

If you like something – it’s only fair to share it with your friends!

Be a Part of Our New Referral Program & Earn Major Discounts!

We’d like for you to be among the first to participate in our brand new referral-to-discount program. 

When you sign up to be a part of the Bring-A-Friend program, you’ll be able to invite your friends to join our group by signing up for our FREE newsletter, or purchasing one of our products.

The best part is that both you and your friends will then be in line to receive absolutely HUGE discounts and special privileges.

How “Bring-A-Friend” Works

If you’re interested, here’s how this simple but fun and lucrative discount program works.

Join Our Referral Team

First, you need to fill out the form below:

If you want to leave a comment or ask a question while you're signing up, please do so! We love to hear from our readers and members, but if you just want to sign up for our Bring a Friend program - you can leave this field blank!

This form lets us know that you’re in! (And we’re so delighted to have you, thank and welcome!)

Receive Your Special Code

Once we receive your message, we’ll reply via email with your custom Bring-A-Friend code. This code is what you will share with your friends.

mermaid riding a dolphin

How Being Referred Will Help Your Friends

When your newly referred friends use this code to join our FREE bi-monthly newsletter we’ll send them a FREE shipping discount coupon for any item in our shop. Which is always nice, and if they’ve got their eye on one of our large finished quilts, for example, that can be a pretty significant savings!

Most Importantly, Here’s What YOU GET From Being in “Bring-A-Friend”

The best part, however, is that when your friends use this code, we’ll create a new coupon code – sent directly to you – for a HUGE 10% discount on any new purchase that you care to make. 

We hope you join us today! If you’re interested in referring us to your quilting friends, and earning major discounts, just fill out the form, and you’re on your way!

If you want to leave a comment or ask a question while you're signing up, please do so! We love to hear from our readers and members, but if you just want to sign up for our Bring a Friend program - you can leave this field blank!
fairy boy and girl spinning spiderweb heart with button caption "Bring-A-Friend"

*Please note that we create these codes for each member – no automated content. So please allow up to 48 hours to receive your code.

8 Reasons Why We Quilt

blue, purple and aqua quilt called Twilight Tide

Every single day across the continents of North America and Europe women, girls, and a few brave men, walk into quilt stores.  Every hour somebody, somewhere, buys a piece of fabric, or a notion, or something in order to make a project that is contained by the wonderful word “quilting.” But the question is: Why do we quilt?

Obviously we do it for reasons that make sense to us.  I thought I’d give you my humble thoughts on what motivates us.


  1. Quilting is a practical pursuit

I’ll start with the most obvious reason to quilt; we tell ourselves that our loved ones need blankets, so why not make them something special?

This is the hook, the very real reason we become quilting addicts.  Once you step into the shallow water of this justification, you can either go deeper or back out altogether.  If you stay in these shallows, it won’t be long before you’ll be looking at more intricate patterns, more exciting colors, and cooler notions.  All these things will lure you in deeper and before you know it, you’re swimming.

This is how I got hooked.  I told myself that I would make each of my 3 children 5 quilts throughout their lives, from babyhood to marriage.

Hah!!  20 years, 3 grown children, dozens of quilt projects (I’ve lost count), two sewing machines, half a houseful of fabric, and this website later… Well, as you can see, I’m totally addicted.

Another reason to quilt is:

  1. Quilter’s everywhere share a deep camaraderie

You can join quilting groups anywhere, walk into any quilt store, or go online, and be instantly welcomed and accepted.  That’s HUGE!

  1. Quilting creates something beautiful

Most quilts, of any size, are a work of art, and it’s a wonderful thing to create a thing of beauty.

Of course, it’s an added bonus when non-quilters are awed and amazed by your skill.  It’s a great feeling of superiority.  I always make sure that my sisters are aware at all times of my amazing skill.

  1. We can show off our quilts in public

Another reason why many of us quilt is to enter quilt shows to show off our quilts and skill, and to celebrate the creativity that’s involved.

(Quilt shows are also great for finding unique, new stuff and some of the latest colors, etc.)

  1. Quilting is fun

It’s a lot of fun to make something new and gorgeous and be praised and admired for it. As a matter of fact, I have to admit that I’ve gone way past addicted and am totally consumed by lust for new colors, new patterns, and new ideas and designs.




Facts About Quilting

Magenta arrow containing facts about quilting


Magenta arrow containing facts about quilting


Magenta arrow containing facts about quilting


Magenta arrow containing facts about quilting


Magenta arrow containing facts about quilting


Magenta arrow containing facts about quilting

Every now and then, I try to feel guilty about it, but then I remember Barb’s motto, and I’m good to go.  I want all of you fellow quilters to take Barb’s philosophy to heart when you’re tempted to justify quilting to yourself or others.

  1. We need something to keep our minds, hearts, and hands busy

Some of us quilt for no other reason than that we’re retired.

I got deeper and deeper into quilting when my kids could do most of their own homeschooling and I was left twiddling my thumbs.  My friend Barb got into it once she retired from nursing and found that gardening alone just wasn’t going to fill her life.

  1. We want to teach a skill to our children

I wanted my children – the girls and the boy – to be able to sew.

I had mixed results.  All of them can mend a simple hole, sew a button back on, and use a sewing machine.  None of them have ever sewn their own clothes, or given me any reason to believe that they will ever be able to read a pattern.

However, when I started quilting more seriously, I realized my mistake.

Quilts are much easier to grasp in concept that even a simple pants pattern, and you still learn many of the basics of sewing.

So, if you are trying to teach Home-Ec to your children, I would advise starting the sewing lessons off at the easiest level – potholders.  Once the kids have learned the basic sewing techniques patterns will be much, much easier to both learn and teach.

  1. We Quilt Because We’re Closet Masochists

This is my personal favorite.

Human beings are very stubborn, and enjoy a challenge, but quilting clearly shows that life is not difficult enough on its own, and my own sneaking suspicion as to why we quilt is because we’re closet masochists.

Politically correct people would say that we enjoy a challenge.  This sounds very fine and noble, but I’d be willing to bet that every one of you readers has had many moments of screaming, tearing out of hair, banging your head on your machine, and throwing your project across the room.

Finally – the best reason of all! 

Barb always says:

Quilting keeps us off the streets and out of the bars

And anything that does that has got to be a good thing!