Announcing an exciting new challenge from Princess YellowBelly Designs to our wonderful quilters & readers.
We always want to inspire – and to be inspired – to push old boundaries, to re-imagine something great. So, in honor of patriots and the upcoming 4th of July holiday, we’re inviting you to let you loose on one of our favorite pieces – Freedom Flight!
Freedom Flight embodies so much of what we stand for, which is possibilities. I designed this super 4th of July eagle because it’s stunning; but also because of what it stands for:

- Faith…
- Family…
- Freedom…
- Imagination…
- Heart…
- And possibilities…
… Not only in our own lives, but also for our country.
I’m bringing it up now because it will probably take a while for you to get this done if you decide to accept our challenge…
This piece is stunning as is – but we know for a fact that some other fantastic quilter will be able to elevate, change, or enhance it in some way. What we’d love is to be part of that story…to be able to see how our original pattern has inspired creativity, quiltivity, and passion in our readers.
So, here’s our challenge:
Freedom Flight of Your Imagination Challenge

Out of the endless pool of human imagination, creativity, and adaptability, can you – as a quilting artist of any experience level – do something new to our Freedom Flight panel? Can you:
- Adapt it
- Re-imagine it
- Or even to improve it
…If you can!
We want you to make your own Freedom Flight with as many alterations or additions as you can imagine. We will pick the top contestants based on the quality of the finished panel, beauty, personal expression, and creativity.
The winner will be chosen by popular vote across our newsletter and social media channels.
All pictures of your finished masterpiece need to be e-mailed to us here – karyl@pybdesigns.com – by June 17th, 2020 so that we have time to evaluate and choose our champion.
Thanks-for-Sharing Prizes
We know how hard a quilter works to make a finished piece, and how much pride you take in it when it’s done. So we’d like to thank everyone who submits with a few prizes:
- We will use all submitted pictures to make a video collage showcasing the talent and quiltivity of our readers. The video will be showcased on our website, social media, and finally added to our Freedom Flight post forever.
- In addition and as thanks for sharing your pictures and quilivity with us, all participants will receive a 6 months free shipping coupon from us!
Winning Prizes
The winner will receive both of the entry prizes, and, in addition will also receive:
- A showcase spot in our “closest-to-the-4th-of-July” newsletter, on our website, and on our social media accounts.
- 1 month FREE membership to Princess YellowBelly Designs inside circle (which, barring any technical difficulties), will be live and functioning by then – HURRAY!
- Finally, and this is unprecedented, you will have the option of selling either your finished eagle panel, or your altered pattern, alongside ours in our store! We will use our platform and help you ship it if it’s purchased – but minus the cost of shipping, all profits will be yours!
How to Get Started
First, if you don’t already own the pattern or kit for Freedom Flight – you can purchase it right now.
Second, once you receive your kit or pattern, decide how you’re going to change it.
We’re quite positive that, just like a crime scene, you can start with the exact same product and yet every point of view will deliver a different result. And, of course, all entrants will have their names mentioned both in our newsletter and in our video collage. So, dear readers, please join us in this creative journey!
To receive more updates as the challenge progresses – please consider signing up for our FREE newsletter now
If you’re concerned about being able to make this eagle, please don’t worry. It’s actually very easy, and we have a tutorial video series that you can purchase along with the pattern to make your journey even easier!
If you have any other concerns, as always, please send in any questions you may have to karyl@pybdesigns.com.
A Few Guidelines & Answered Questions
We’d like to be able to recognize our pattern in your finished work, of course, but other than that we don’t want to restrict your creativity in any way. Feel free to let loose, go a little crazy, and come up with something wild, fun, and spectacular!
Question #1:
- “Can I change the colors, add special meaning and insignia…?”

Something personal, inspirational, or heartfelt, like…?
- Breast cancer survival…
- Military veterans…
- States…
- Sport teams…
- Ethnic heritage (St. Patrick’s Day eagle, African tribal eagle, etc.)…
- Or whatever holds special meaning for me?
Yes! Which brings up a good point – whatever you do decide to alter, please consider including your reasons why. Art is better with a story, so if you’re supporting or remembering or honoring something special, you can only increase the value and beauty of your finished piece by telling us about it.
Question #2:
- “Can I change the shape somewhat, or anything else that springs to mind?”
You might want to put a different style of head, or choose different edging, outline thread, etc.
Yes! Here at PYB we encourage all creative and quilting endeavors and we dearly want to see what you can come up with. So be brave and share your quiltivity with us!
Question #3:
- “Will the team at Princess YellowBelly Designs be participating in your own challenge?”
Yes! We’re planning an alteration of our own pattern, for fun and to participate. We’ll keep you updated on that as it progresses, and our eagle will be included in the finished video collage, but of course we won’t be eligible to win any other prizes.

We so hope that you will accept our challenge. We know that you can create something amazing, fresh, and beautiful. Something so much more than we can even imagine (and we can imagine quite a lot!) Just remember, we need your entry pictures by June 17th, which is just enough time to order your pattern or kit, make the panel, and send in the photos.